La Bibliothèque nationale suisse, l'Association
of International Librarians and Information Specialists et le Service
d'information scientifique du CERN ont le plaisir de vous présenter
le programme 2003 du cycle "Library Science Talks".
Ces conférences offrent aux professionnels des bibliothèques
et des archives la possibilité d'élargir leurs connaissances
et d'entrer en contact avec des spécialistes en bibliothéconomie
et en gestion. Toutes ces conférences seront données
en anglais.
Conference programme
2003 [Poster] |
Electronic resource sharing and library consortia in Europe
Tommaso Giordano, European University Institute, Florence, Italy |
3 March 2003
in Bern at SNL,
4 March
in Geneva at CERN |
A new wave in document delivery services Uwe Rosemann, Subito/TIB Hannover, Germany and Jens Vigen, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland |
28 april 2003
in Bern at SNL,
29 April
in Geneva at WHO |
Marketing national libraries
Perry J. Moree, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, The Hague, The Netherlands |
19 May 2003
in Bern at SNL,
20 May
in Geneva at CERN |
The digital library and its catalogue : the FRBR model
Knut Hegna, Oslo University, Norway |
22 September 2003
in Bern at SNL,
23 September
in Geneva at CERN |
Innovations in the information society and their implications for libraries/information services
Derek Law, University of Strathclyde, UK |
20 October 2003
in Bern at SNL,
21 October
in Geneva at WIPO |
Launching SPARC Europe
David Prosser, SPARC Europe, Oxford, UK |
17 November 2003
in Bern at SNL
18 November 2003
in Geneva at WHO |
Presentations will be held twice: in Bern at the Swiss National
Library and in Geneva at CERN or WHO or WIPO always at 15:30. All
the presentations will be in English. The talks are open to all
sponsors staff, and those linked to Scientific Information-related
tasks are sure to find them of particular interest. Staff from other
libraries are welcome to attend these talks.
- For the talks in Bern at SNL external guests should be
at the Hallwylstrasse 15 at 15:30. For further information and
a map you can contact Ms. Genevieve Clavel (
(031) 322.89.36.
- For the talks in Geneva at CERN external guests should
be at the Reception of CERN building 33 at 15:15 to be guided
to the various conference rooms. You have to register to attend
- stating your interest in all sessions or any one in particular
- by telephone (022) 767.24.31
- For the talks in Geneva at WHO, World Health Organization,
external guests should come in the main door of the WHO, 20 Av.
Appia, and take the elevators to your right as you enter. The
conference room will be Salle G (eight floor) . You can register
to attend by contacting the secretariat of WHO library by telephone
at (022) 791 20 77 or by e-mail:
- For the talk in Geneva at WIPO, World Intellectual Property
Organization, external guests should be at the Reception desk
of WIPO, 34, chemin des Colombettes, at 15h20 to be guided to
the conference room 1.27 first floor of the main building.