1. This
statute applies to an international organization which shall bear
the name of: Association of International Librarians and Information
2. The
aim of the Association is to promote co-operation among international
3. The
working languages of the Association are English and French.
4. The
Association shall consist of:
a) the General
Assembly, to which belong all Association members ;
b) the Executive
Committee, of at least five members, elected for three years by
the General Assembly, including the President, one or more Vice-Presidents,
one or more Secretaries and the Treasurer;
c) an auditor,
elected for three years by the General Assembly.
5. The
following may become members of the Association on recommendation
of the Executive Committee:
of international organizations, in particular those of intergovernmental
organizations ;
other libraries whose international character is recognized by
the Executive Committee ;
persons who may contribute to promote the aims set forth in Article
2, in particular those who are professionally associated with
the libraries described in the
present Article ;
organizations to which these libraries are attached may become
supporting members.
6. The
General Assembly shall meet once a year. It shall approve the
annual report, the accounts for the past year and the budget submitted
by the Executive Committee. Subject to the provisions of Article
9, whenever voting takes place in the General Assembly, a simple
majority of the members present or represented by proxy is required.
In case of a tie, the President shall have a casting vote.
7. Current
affairs are directed by the Executive Committee, which shall meet
at least once a year.
8. Amendements
to the Statutes, as well as a decision to dissolve the Association,
shall be approved by the General Assembly. In either case, a two-thirds
majority of members present or represented by proxy shall be required.
9. In
case of dissolution of the Association, the General Assembly
shall decide on the disposal of the available funds.
Text as amended at the Annual General Meeting
of 4 February 1999.