Programme 2003

Science Talks

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LIBRARY SCIENCE TALKS (LST's) 2000 Evaluation form

Library Science Talk 2000 evaluation

1. There were 12 replies in all (one answer was blank, with thanks only!).

2. Participation was: 2 answers participated in 5 resp. 1 events, one answer
partipated in 4 resp. 2 events and 6 answers participated in 0 events.

3. Talk A was evaluated in 2 answers: average scores: 7,5, 7,5, 5,5, 5,5, 4.
Talk B was evaluated in 1 answer: average scores: 10, 10, 10, 9, 9.
Talk C was evaluated in 3 answers: average scores: 7, 8, 7, 7, 6,5.
Talk D was evaluated in 2 answers: average scores: 5,5, 7,5, 6, 6, 6.
Talk E was evaluated in 4 answers: average scores: 9,5, 9,5, 9,5, 9, 9.
Talk F was evaluated in 3 answers: average scores: 10, 9,5, 9,5, 10, 10.

Conclusion: Talks B, E and F were evaluated as "outstanding" by those who participated and answered:

4. Areas of interest: there were 10 answers
Evaluation: Library Management: average score: 6,7
Library Automation : average score: 6,5
Archives Management: average score: 4,5
Network resources: average score: 6,5
E-publication: average score: 9,25
Grey litterature: average score: 6,1
Collection development: average score: 5,75
Web design/management: average score: 8
Human Resources Development: average score: 5,4

E-publication and Web design/Management are the preferences of those who answered.

5. How many LST /year:
all with the exception of two are satisfied with 6/year (the two dissenting would prefer only 4)

6. Is Tuesday OK?:
Yes, is the answer of 6 out of nine, the other three would prefer Wednesday.

7. Is 3.30 p.m. OK?
Yes, is the answer of 6 out of nine, two others would prefer 4.30, one (from Lausanne) would like 2.00 p.m.

8. Is distribution WHO/CERN/WIPO OK?
Yes, by all except two, who like WIPO better because it is nearer to their office.

9. Length of talks is generally evaluated as OK.

10. General evaluation of LST Program:
Very good by all who cared to answer.
Some insist on library visits and XML training, which are on 2001 program anyway!!!























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Updated 28 May, 2002