Workshop on corporate blogging and RSS
Organization: AILIS in collaboration with the University of Geneva (Faculté des sciences économiques et sociales)
Objectives: Train 15/20 librarians/information specialists in the use of corporate blogging and RSS technologies. Position and explain blogging and RSS in the context of information dissemination and information management. Train to set up a complete and professional blog site, create their own RSS feeds and perform automated online monitoring based on keywords.
Deliverables: When the training is complete the trainee will receive full course material, a copy of the white paper "The business case for RSS" for free and their login password to a secured area on where they can find continuously updated links and resources for further use. Upon completion of the course the trainee will be able to advise their management and use blogging and RSS technologies in their daily work.
Language: We have organized 2 sessions to allow members to follow the course in their language
22 June 2006 : English session
23 June 2006: French session
Place : Geneva University, SES.
Computer room to be confirmed. Subscribers will receive precise instructions

Timing : 10 a.m. till 5 p.m. (lunch and coffee breaks included)
Requirements : Trainees will need an internet based e-mail account (Hotmail, Gmail, ..)
Price :
200 CHF for AILIS members
300 CHF for non-members
This price includes a lunch meal at the cafeteria of UniMail (individual AIILIS membership costs 30CHF)
Dates :
22 June 2006 : English session
23 June 2006 : French session
Registration : Please send email at
Course contact at Unige: Daisy Mcadam, Telephone 022/379.80.48

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Updated 12 April, 2006