Statutes    Executive Committee Membership
Membership 2012

The Association of International Librarians and Information Specialists will be offering during 2012 a series of activities which the Executive Committee hopes members will find interesting both for personal contacts and  for professional development.

Once again AILIS is co-sponsoring the series of Library Science Talks with the CERN Library and the Swiss National Library.  The six Geneva talks which are foreseen for this year will take place at ILO, WIPO, CERN, and ITU.

A study tour to the Rolex Learning Centre of Lausanne and a visit of the TSR multimedia archive in Geneva, have been organised in 2011 and several other possible study tour destinations are being investigated. A training session on the reference service in libraries and documentation centers took also place in 2011. Suggestions for other training events are always welcome.

As usual, we rely on our members for ideas for guest speakers at our informal afternoon talks and we hope to hold at least two or three this year so please let us know if you have any ideas.

You are welcome to contact the Executive Committee at any time to make suggestions for AILIS activities and we hope you enjoy the programme for 2012.

You will find a complete list of activities (updated during the year) in the programme.

To promote AILIS objectives aimed at sharing information, developing high standards of professionalism and co-operation through mutual contacts, the Executive Committee needs your support and invites you to join (or rejoin) the Association.  At the same time, we ask Heads of Libraries to make their management aware of AILIS goals and to encourage their staff to become members.            

The membership fees are as follows:            

Institutions:                  CHF 100

Individuals:                   CHF 30

Students:                   CHF 15

Membership will entitle you to one vote at the AILIS General Assembly; eligibility for the AILIS Executive Committee; participation in AILIS activities, including training courses organized by the Association (with a discount); and access to the discussion list.

Institutional membership entitles the institution to send one person on one training course per year.

For any queries, please contact:
Richelle van Snellenberg, Treasurer, AILIS, C.P. 240, 1218 Le Grand-Saconnex.
E mail:

Membership form   

The form is available in portable document format


We would be glad if you could pass on this information concerning AILIS to any new colleagues who might be interested in our activities and invite them to join the association.

It would be helpful if you could give us suggestions for AILIS activities that we might organise in the future.

Please send the form to 
AILIS, Case postale 240, 1218 Le Grand-Saconnex.
Fax 022-799-6516.


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Updated 27 January, 2012

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